This is a 3D Shooter project for "Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter" course.


  • Developed three levels:
    • Traverse monster-infested facility in the dark in search for exit;
    • Roam along the cliffs, in search for the source of the invasion;
    • A final level against a boss on the top of the hill. Stay on the move!
  • Significant change of time and illumination: flashlight and lonely lamps are your few sources of light;
  • Created a new powerup: invincibility. Picking it up gives you shield and invincibility for 10 seconds, highlighting your screen;


WebGL build has no sounds: this may be a problem from a technical side, as I am using a laptop not designed for games (also, according to the Internet and information from forums, it is a bug within Unity version, as older versions (pre 2020.2.xx) don't have this problem).

Windows build has sounds present.


Created by Ivan Panasenko


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